Katie & I are very excited to watch 5 of our CH Goldiva Goldens at the National Golden Retriever Show in Springfield on October 9th. Last year, Geti was #4 Female in the US and ranked #5 Breed including the males for breed points. She had the invitation for the Top 20 gala in Oregon for her award but alas, too far. This year, Sizzle was #10 female and #25 Breed. The National show is at the Big Expo in Springfield, MA. We’re thrilled to see all the lovely Goldens from across the US. It’s the largest Golden Retriever only show. Hundreds of Golden’s! Attending are AM GCHB Geti SDHF, AM GCH Blackjack, AM CH Jouët, AM CH Brinkley and Katie’s girl, Sake who is halfway thru her Am CH title.