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AKC Reg. Name | Goldiva’s Splender N Bloom, JH, CGC |
AKC Reg. # | SR08265301 | |
Birthdate | April 15, 2003 | |
OFA Hips | Good | |
OFA Cardio | Clear | |
CERF Eyes | Clear | |
Elbows | Normal | |
Pedigree | k9data.com | |
Owner: Mary Dickinson Cashin. Co-Own Family: Kyle & Denise, Durham, Maine
Parents: Can CH Boomer x Lady, CGC
Blossom is a very loving, attentive and compassionate therapy dog to a little girl, Chloe, with special needs. She lives nearby and visits often. Instead of retrieving birds, she’ll bring back the ball to Chloe and drop it at her feet and just wait for the next toss. Chloe loves to give her full body hugs which makes for a comfty pillow. Blossom gets to go running & hiking with the parents Denise & Kyle. She has made a wonderful addition to their family. We really enjoy sharing our dogs in boarding homes so we can work on training the next generation. Blossom certainly has a higher purpose being near Chloe. Blossom and Striker finally had a litter after 2 years of trying. We have kept their daughter, Stella. She is so laid back and doesn’t care how you hold her. Stella was crate trained in 2 nights without any accidents and is already doing clicker training at 8 weeks.
June 2006 Blossom just finished her last leg for her Junior Hunt title! She completed her training in Maine with June & Stephen Cawood at Maranatha Kennels in Buxton. She did an excellent job and really enjoys swimming, water and birds!! The Old Port was such a tease with all those fat pigeons when we used to go for walks in the shopping district. Blossom also loves Agility and playing games.
Blossom began her field training with Kim & Corey Trafton of Frye Mountain Retrievers.in May 2005. She just had her first hunt test in Long Island, New York and qualified for her 1st leg towards her Junior Hunt title. Then, she got into a mess of ground hornets and had a slight set back…She got her 2nd leg in New Jersey with a difficult water retrieve. Blossom completed a third leg in the Long Island, NY hunt tests in October but came into heat the next day. The Trafton’s have moved permanently to Georgia.
Blossom is a daughter of Lady and Can. CH Lissany HyVals Promises Time, “Boomer”. Blossom is a peaches & cream light Golden and will go to Canada for Conformation shows as well. She has a calmer disposition than her sister, Kylee JH who is the Alpha female. Blossom’s favorite place to sleep is on the foot of the bed with my youngest kids. Her other full sister is Can CH Sophie and half sisters to Molly (Amber x Boomer) and Lola (Lady x Am CH Casanova – Striker’s father).
Blossom was also featured in the Golden Retriever Club of America’s (GRCA) special issue for Brood Bitches and Stud Dogs along with our other titled dogs (Mar/Apr 2006, pg 46-47). She hasn’t had a litter the past 3 heat cycles, so we hope October ’06 will be her planned litter.