AKC Reg Name | Am GCHB CH/Can CH Goldiva’s Macho Macho Man with PoeticGold “Remy Martin” |
AKC Reg # | SR91502401 CHIC #126705 |
Birthdate | 1/5/2016 |
OFA Hips | Good GR-121136G24M-VPI |
OFA Elbows | normal GR-EL40809M24-VPI |
OFA Cardio | clear GR-CA31586/14M/C-VPI |
OFA Eyes | clear GR-EYE11886/14M-VPI |
Pedigree | k9data.com |
Owner: Mary Dickinson Cashin
Parents: Martini Am GCH CH/Can CH Goldiva’s Pink Martini ex “Mystic” BISS GCHB CH Tamarack Billions Of Stars Over Poeticgold CD RN TDI CGCA CGCU CGC BPIS OS
Full Siblings: AM GCH CH/CAN CH Margarita & CAN GCH Mimosa.
Half siblings from Am GCH CH/Can CH Martini x Am CH/CAN CH Striker are Am/Can CH Stoli and Can CH SH Tequila, JH.
Half siblings from Am GCH CH/Can CH Martini x GCHB Mud Lake Mad Hatter Maxx are little brother Can GCH Tito and sisters Can CH Bellini and Tipsy.
Half siblings from Am GCH CH/Can CH Martini x GCH Nautilus Timber are babe Besame & Grey Goose.
Remy Martin was our fastest American Champion in just 5 short weekends!! He was handled by Mark Desrosiers and Rebecca Bradley for 13 points including his 2 Majors. He was finished on home turf at the Vacationland shows in Maine handled by Sam Mammano. In June, Remy will begin his Grand Champion conformation shows with Brian Still. Remy is a happy, goofy boy. His name should be Kaboom because he LOVES to make as much noise as he possibly can with the metal food dish a/k/a hockey puck across the kitchen floor! He is the epitome of happy, loveable, biddable, so cute you want to squish him!